2014年4月3日 星期四

膠登仔都睇得明既 簡易西史入門 第廿五集: 法國大革命篇 第一集: 係巴士車底開始既一日

膠登仔都睇得明既 簡易西史入門 第廿五集: 法國大革命篇 第一集: 係巴士車底開始既一日

1775年6月巴黎 路易大帝高中



呢日大雨滂沱可能咁令國王有所延誤 我地全校師生從朝早開始一直係學校大門等待國王大駕

到黃昏國王既車隊先珊珊來遲 我代表學校上前準備朗讀獻辭 然後係馬車入面傳黎一把女人聲




又係既 佢係國王 呢D好小事姐



當時熱那亞共和國治下既科西嘉島發生抗稅暴動 最終係1755年脫離熱那亞獨立建立科西嘉共和國

因為熱那亞無力鎮壓佢就將科西嘉賣比法國 1769年法國吞併科西嘉島

呢年科西嘉有個獨立派既貴族生左佢第四個仔 係叢林入面遊擊既生活令到佢個細仔營養不良肚煲生癬日r夜r

個老豆唔想再令家人受苦 因為咁佢背叛自己既戰友走出叢林投向法國成為法國既貴族從此過上唔錯既生活





法國國王路易十五繼承左佢太爺路易十四長命既基因 到1766年佢所有仔都死晒剩低佢最大既嫡孫12歲既路易-奧古斯特





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1. Corruptions of the times.

In the faithful picture of the virtues of Theodosius, his imperfections have not been dissembled; the act of cruelty, and the habits of indolence, which tarnished the glory of one of the greatest of the Roman princes.

An historian perpetually adverse to the fame of Theodosius has exaggerated his vices and their pernicious effects, he boldly asserts that every rank of subjects imitated the effeminate manners of their sovereign;

that every species of corruption polluted the course of public and private life; and that the feeble restraints of order and decency were insufficient to resist the progress of that degenerate spirit which sacrifices, without a blush, the consideration of duty and interest to the base indulgence of sloth and appetite.(124)

The complaints of contemporary writers, who deplore the increase of luxury and depravation of manners, are commonly expressive of their peculiar temper and situation. There are few observers who possess a clear and comprehensive view of the revolutions of society, and

who are capable of discovering the nice and secret springs of action which impel, in the same uniform direction, the blind and capricious passions of a multitude of individuals. If it can be affirmed, with any degree of truth, that the luxury of the Romans was more shameless and dissolute in the reign of Theodosius than in the age of Constantine,

perhaps, or of Augustus, the alteration cannot be ascribed to any beneficial improvements which had gradually increased the stock of national riches. A long period of calamity or decay must have checked the industry and diminished the wealth of the people; and their profuse luxury must have been the result of that indolent despair which enjoys the present hour and declines the thoughts of futurity.

The uncertain condition of their property discouraged the subjects of Theodosius from engaging in those useful and laborious undertakings which require an immediate expense, and promise a slow and distant advantage. The frequent examples of ruin and desolation tempted them

not to spare the remains of a patrimony which might, every hour, become the prey of the rapacious Goth. And the mad prodigality which prevails in the confusion of a shipwreck or a siege may serve to explain the progress of luxury amidst the misfortunes and terrors of a sinking nation.

2. The Infantry lay aside their armour.

The effeminate luxury, which infected the manners of courts and cities, had instilled a secret and destructive poison into the camps of the legions; and their degeneracy has been marked by the pen of a military writer, who had accurately studied the genuine and ancient principles of Roman discipline.

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