2012年11月5日 星期一

秦家懿( Julia Ching )-- 王陽明, 東大圖書公司, 1997

秦家懿( Julia Ching )-- 王陽明, 東大圖書公司, 1997

秦家懿 ( Julia Ching ) 的《 王陽明 》是一本了解 王陽明生平 和他的哲學的入門書。作者直溯 王陽明本人的對話 和著述,由淺入深,探討他的思想精髓:

王陽明 創立的體繫究竟是 “ 儒 ” 還是 “ 禪 ” ?王陽明其人是 “ 聖 ” 還是 “ 凡 ” ?對陽明之學該如何總體評價?書中分為八章,由淺入深層層推進:

前兩章簡述王陽明之前 宋明理學的概況 和陽明本人的生平;

從第三章起,述  “ 心即理 ” 的含義,第四章  “ 格物即誠意 ” 與陽明立說的獨立心境,

第五章進一步解釋  “ 致良知 ”,這是陽明思想的核心,總攝諸說,

第六章探討 “ 良知本體 ” 的深蘊,第七章  “ 無善無惡 ” 說,實為討論陽明學說 與道教 和佛教的關係,

第八章則是 作者本人對陽明思想的反思 和總結。

後面兩個論文性質的 “ 跋 ” 也頗為重要,涉及當今如何對 陽明之學做總的評價。


  秦家懿 ( Julia Ching,1934-2001 ) 祖籍江蘇無錫,生於上海。
 Julia Ching, CM (Chinese: 秦家懿; ) ( 1934 – October 26, 2001) was professor of religion, philosophy and East Asian studies at the University of Toronto.

Born in Shanghai in 1934, Ching fled China as a refugee during the Second World War.

After completing high school in Hong Kong, Ching studied at the College of New Rochelle in New York and then served as an Ursuline nun for two decades, completing a master's degree at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, before obtaining a doctorate in Asian studies at the Australian National University in Canberra. She taught at Columbia and Yale before joining the University of Toronto faculty in 1978.

Ching rose to prominence as a world expert on the neo-Confucianism and religion of the Song and Ming dynasties of 10th- through 17th-century China. She wrote or edited 15 books including her definitive studies of the leading Ming Confucian, Wang Yangming, and the leading Song Confucian, Zhu Xi. In 2000, she was named a member of the Order of Canada.

For her scholarly achievement, Ching was named incumbent of the R.C. and E.Y. Lee Chair of Chinese Thought and Culture, elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and named to the Scholars' Council of the U.S. Library of Congress.

In 1994 she was named University Professor, the highest honour the university accords its faculty. Along with her colleague and husband, Professor Emeritus Willard Oxtoby of religion and South Asian studies, Ching was co-president and chief organizer of an international congress in Asian studies that brought over 1,000 scholars to U of T in 1990.

Formerly private about her personal life, Ching shared many of her fears and sentiments in a personal literary memoir, The Butterfly Healing: A Life Between East and West.

 In it she described her perceptions of being an Asian woman in male-dominated Western academia, of striving for spiritual discipline in the religious orders and of seeking healing and meaning in life as a three-time cancer survivor.

Ching's interests were not limited to technical scholarship. She participated in movements for world responsibility such as the Inter-Action Council, Science for Peace and the Canadian Pugwash.

She was also a busy commentator, frequently called on to interpret breaking news from China for the Canadian news media. In response to the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, she published Probing China's Soul, a book on protest and dissent in China.


王陽明時以 “ 狂者 ” 自稱,陽明學的 泰州學派,更為反對派譏為“ 狂禪 ”或“ 野狐禪 ”。

“ 狂 ” 字 與陽明性格、學問,似有不解之緣,本章即以陽明的“ 狂者 ”性格為題,略述其生平 與其思想發展蛻變。
